Please visit our Y1 BLOG to find out lots more about what we do.


A guide to the new national curriculum for Y1 parents: Parents’ Guide to Y1

End of year expectations for reading: End of year expectations for reading in Y1

End of year expectations for writing: End of year expectations for writing in Y1

End of year expectations for maths: End of year expectations for maths in Y1



The second half of our summer term will look like this: Y1 Letter – Summer 2 2024

Here’s what we’re doing in the first half of the summer term: Y1 Letter – Summer 1 2024

Our plans for the spring term are here: Y1 Letter – Spring 2024

This is our letter for the autumn term: Y1 Letter – Autumn 2023



This is what we’re up to in the first half of summer: Y1 Letter – Summer 1 2023

Here is our letter for the second half of the spring term: Y1 Letter – Spring 2 2023

This is what we’re planning for the first half of spring: Y1 Letter – Spring 1 2023

Here’s our summary of the first half of the autumn term: Y1 Letter –  Autumn 1 2022


Wondering what to read?  Here is our reading list: Y1 Reading List





Here are the first 100 tricky words as mentioned at the Meet the Teacher event:  First 100 Tricky Words

This leaflet provides useful information about the transition from Reception to Y1: Reception to Y1 Transition Leaflet