Please click on the links below to find out more about safeguarding at Mayfield.

Our policies – includes Safeguarding and Child Protection; Keeping Children Safe in Education Part 1; e-Safety etc

Child Protection




If you need to contact the school to raise any issues about safeguarding, our designated people are:

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Sarah Stepney (Headteacher)
Deputy Safeguarding Leads: Stephen Atkinson (Deputy Head), Ciara Murray (Inclusion Leader). Ann Nicholls (Learning Support Manager) and Liz Stow (Teacher).

Domestic Abuse Lead: Liz Stow

Prevent Lead: Sarah Stepney

Mental Health Lead: Sarah Stepney

The school office can tell you how to contact them in confidence.

Sarah Stepney











Stephen Atkinson











Ciara Murray











Ann Nicholls


Liz Stow











There is some more information for parents/carers about child protection HERE