Being part of an orchestra gives children the exciting opportunity to make music as part of a large group, while also improving skills such as sight reading, keeping in time as a team, and playing with expression. Mayfield has a vibrant school orchestra led by Anne Taylor, a professional musician who runs a range of music groups and classes across Cambridge. The orchestra rehearses weekly and performs regularly both in school and at external concerts.
The children play a variety of genres including popular themes (Star Wars, Harry Potter), classical pieces (Pachelbel’s Canon, Prokofiev’s Peter and The Wolf), folk and traditional pieces (Captain Jack’s Hornpipe, Banuwa), jazz riffs from the popular “Razzmajazz!” and of course, carols during the Christmas term. Anne arranges bespoke parts so that players of all instruments and different abilities can participate. There are usually around 30 members of the orchestra covering strings, wind, brass and percussion.
If your child is interested in joining then do contact Anne We meet on Thursdays at 8.30am in the Large Hall and welcome parent helpers.
What do you like about Orchestra?
I like playing my instrument with other people of different ages (Yael)
The music we play: fast ones, sad ones, bouncy ones, and interesting ones (Michael)
I like to play tricky pieces and learn them (Cara)
Knowing that I’m playing good music without doing lessons (Daniel)
Making friends and working together (Rosalyn)
What about the instruments?
I like the viola because it makes low sounds (Niamh)
We need a double bass (Daniel)
The cornet music is hard because it’s got high notes and sharps (Esme)
What do you not like about Orchestra?
It’s early (Freya, Giovanni)
Nothing – it’s really good as it is (Greta)
It could be a bit longer so that we could miss ALL of assembly! (Ebba)
Mayfield Year 6 musicians feature on the BBC Ten Pieces website playing “Revenge of the Orchestra”, a composition inspired by Anna Clyne’s Night Ferry. Here is the link: Revenge of the Orchestra