Here is our maths homework recording sheet: Maths Homework Recording Sheet
There is a lot of information about maths at Mayfield and links to other resources on our maths curriculum page: Maths Curriculum Page
KIRF (Key Instant Recall Facts)
Children should practise these Key Instant Recall Facts regularly. It shows the facts that children will need to learn each half term. However, it is a work in progress and not all pages have been completed yet. KIRFs Powerpoint Presentation
This is a very good site for children to practise their KIRF facts (Maths): Conker Maths
Maths at Home – Ideas for Parents
Here are some ideas for activities your child can do at home to support their Maths learning. Maths at Home Powerpoint
These are some resources useful for children in Y6 looking for an extra challenge in maths
If you want to review algebraic sequences then try these web pages:
Maths is Fun – Sequences (Starts at a more basic level)
Maths is Fun – Arithmatic Sequences and Sums (Ignore the sums)
BBC Bitesize – Linear Sequences Revision
Dig Deeper
If you found this easy and you want to explore it a little further, try:
NRICH – Sticky Triangles (Match triangles)
NRICH – Shifting Times Tables (Try level 1 & 2 first. Can you solve a level 3 one?)
A number of parents have requested a list of recommended reading for the children. Here are some useful links:
Love Reading 4 Kids –You can search for books according to age
100 books list for years 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6- A list of classics and modern fiction as a guide:
- 100 books for Years 1 and 2: 100 Books Y1&2
- 100 books for Years 3 and 4: 100 Books Y3&4
- 100 books for Years 5 and 6: 100 Books Y5&6
50 Books Every Child Should Read – reviews from some of the children’s favourite authors.
Books for 11+ Readers – books organised by all sorts of different criteria. A very useful site.