Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) are well established at Mayfield School and, since September 2014, French has been taught throughout Key Stage 2. In years 3 and 4, children have regular short sessions with their class teachers, whilst in years 5 and 6, children have an hour a week with a qualified language teacher. Initially, emphasis is placed on listening and speaking skills, before reading and writing skills are introduced. Songs and word games; animations and video clips; role plays and creativity, play an important part in lessons, giving the children a wide range of ways to access and practise the language. In addition, the children are introduced to the culture of France and of the French-speaking countries of the world.
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Y3 | Core Unit 1: Hello! How are you? What is your name?
Core Unit 1: How old are you? My family My fantastic family
Core Unit 2: Days Colours Numbers to 20
Core Unit 2: Countries I like Nicholas the monster
Core Unit 3: Head, shoulders, knees and feet! Parts of the body Numbers to 31
Core Unit 3: Clothes Months Birthdays
Y4 | Main Unit 1 Animals: On the farm Pets What’s your dog like? |
Main Unit 1 Animals: Where is the cat? Where is the elephant? Henri looks for his mother |
Main Unit 2 Food: Food I like to eat What are you eating? |
Main Unit 2 Food: Cutlery Ingredients French toast |
Main Unit 3 School: How do you go to school? Rooms In your pencil case |
Main Unit 3 School: What time is it? Subjects The magic bag |
Y5 | Unit 1 Salut Gustave! Greet and give personal information Ask and talk about brothers and sisters Say what people have and do not have Say what people are like
Unit 2 À l’école Name school subjects Talk about likes/dislikes at school Ask and say the time Talk about timings of the school day
Unit 3 La nourriture Ask politely for food items Describe how to make a sandwich Express opinions about food Talk about healthy and unhealthy food
Unit 4 En ville Name places in the town Ask the way and give directions Say where you are going Give the time and say where you are going
Unit 5 En vacances Ask and say where you are going on holiday Express opinions about holidays Talk about what you are going to do on holiday Talk about holiday plans
Unit 6 Chez moi Name rooms in the house Describe rooms in the house Say what people do at home Say what people do and where
Y6 | Unit 7 Le week-end: Ask and talk about regular activities Say what you don’t do Say what other people do Talk about what you like/dislike doing
Unit 8 Les vêtements: Ask and say what clothes you’d like Give opinions about clothes Say what clothes you wear Ask and talk about prices
French play Learn to say and sign a traditional or fairy tale Become familiar with the art of mime Rehearse the play Perform the play
Unit 9 Ma journée: Ask and talk about daily routine Talk about times of daily routine Ask and talk about breakfast Talk about details of a typical day
SATs preparation
Unit 10 Les transports: Talk about forms of transport Talk about where and how you get there. Talk about plans for a trip Buy tickets at the station