RE Curriculum
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development
How and Why We Teach RE
Homework Help Websites
RE Curriculum
RE is the study of the principal religions represented in this country – focusing mainly on the 6 major faiths: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism. Children also learn about Humanism.
The Agreed Syllabus has 2 attainment targets:
AT 1 – Learning about Religion and Belief
This means enquiring into, investigating and understanding religions and beliefs.
AT 2 – Learning from Religion and Belief
This means questioning ,exploring, reflecting upon and interpreting human experiences in the light of religions and beliefs studied.
The Syllabus supports the OFSTED Long Report 2010 in which enquiry- based learning is recommended. So RE lessons involve discussion, investigation, empathy and reflection.
The Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education was updated in 2018 and the school has developed a topic map of topics taught in each term:
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development (SMSC) is included in all areas of the curriculum but in RE it has a major part to play in nearly every aspect of every lesson. In each lesson we discuss or debate Big Questions (Ultimate Questions or Key Issues) such as: ‘Is society equal?’, ‘How to make the most out of life?’, ‘What makes a good friend?’ and ‘Who inspires you?’ We also foster community links by inviting visiting speakers and making visits ourselves and so encouraging further SMSC development in our children.
Find out more about SMSC at Mayfield HERE
How and Why We Teach RE
Learning and teaching in RE seeks neither to impose religious beliefs on children nor to compromise the integrity of their own beliefs by promoting one religion over another. Work in RE aims to develop in children an understanding of the influence of beliefs, values and traditions on individuals, communities and cultures. It seeks also to foster tolerance, empathy and sensitivity towards the beliefs and traditions of others. Where possible, visits are made to local religious sites and places of worship to investigate the form and use of the buildings and the roles of people who work within them. No acts of worship are undertaken during these visits.
Very rarely parents may want to consider withdrawing their child from all or part of RE or assemblies, in which case please discuss the matter with the Head Teacher.
Homework Help Websites
Here is a list of some RE websites that you may find useful
Useful RE Websites