Science at Mayfield Primary School
Activities in Science Enrichment & Social, Emotional, Spritual and Cultural
How to Help Your Child at Home
Science at Mayfield Primary School
In Science, we give children the experience of a wide range of practical work as well as developing scientific skills and attitudes to promote the enjoyment of learning about Science. Mayfield children are encouraged to ask Why? What if? and How? We then give them the skills needed to plan, carry out and evaluate their own investigations.
How is Science Taught at Mayfield?
Science teaching is linked, wherever possible, to the topic in each year group. This means that sometimes the topic is very science based, such as in Y1 in Spring 2 where our topic is “Amazing Animals”. In other topics, such as the Y4 Romans topic they link their learning about states of matter to roman history. Lessons can be distinct or more cross curricular.
Working scientifically is taught throughout the different scientific topics in each year group and wherever possible science is taught through practical investigation and experiments. The school is guided by the National Curriculum. Areas of study include:
- Working scientifically
- Living things and their environments, in which we can investigate the pants and animals in the school grounds and conservation area
- Plants
- Animals including humans
- Materials and their properties
- Light and sound
- Seasonal changes
- Earth and space
- Forces and magnets
- Electricity
Working Scientifically
At Mayfield we learn as much as we can in a scientific manner. We like to teach the children how to think like scientists. We encourage the children to work scientifically by teaching them how to question, observe and record, experiment and conclude or reflect on their findings. The skills needed to work scientifically are woven throughout the topics and are carefully built on as the children progress through the school.Enrichment
We promote science through trips workshops and guest speakers. We have Nature and Mad Science clubs during lunch times and after school and each year we celebrate Science Week.Science Week at Mayfield coincides with the British Science Week, which also coincides with the Cambridge Science Week. We welcome visitors from Cambridge University, scientific companies and parent volunteers with a science specialism to share. This is an opportunity to promote science learning within the National Curriculum as well as a more in depth understanding of the place of science in our society and the possible careers that it may offer.
topActivities in Science: Enrichment & Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural
Children are given an awareness of the role and importance of science in everyday life, together with a consideration of the part that science plays in healthy eating and lifestyles.Practical activities are supported by prediction, recording and reporting results through drawing, writing and talking. Results and findings are recorded in a variety of ways including written accounts, mathematical means and graphic representation using data-processing computer programs.
How to Help Your Child at Home
The science team at Mayfield have produced this helpful leaflet with lots of ideas for places to visit near Cambridge and guidance on how to help your child with science. Supporting Science at Home
We assess science formatively in the lessons and challenge children’s thinking through questioning.